====== Configuration ====== WORM's settings are determined on initialization and dynamically. The startup settings are located in the configuration file, which exists in /addons/worm/config/worm.ini The following sections and their properties describe configuration options for WORM === Global === * **Logging** - Whether to save log files * **LogLevel** - The level of detail of the logs that are saved === Network === * **IP** - The IP to which the network module should connect * **Port** - The port associated with the conneciton * **Modules** - Which module to use //Note that as of version 1.1, this is unused//. === Editor === * PlaneCreep - Whether generation should occur across planes within a region * Adaptive - Whether node geometry may be non-rectangular or not * Constructor - Which generator algorithm should be used * Filter - Whether to remove entities from the map that get in the way of generation * Interactive - Whether [[interactive_mode|interactive mode]] is on * Autoseed - Whether to create seed coordinates automatically * RenderConnections - Whether to render connections * UseVisibility - Whether to generate the visibility graph on the navigation mesh * SaveForced - Whether to force saving connections that were manually added